Petra Lamačová - Čánská
(27. 5. 1983)
The artist Petra Lamačová is yet another exceptional young talent in Czech
numismatics. In 2011 she graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts and travelled
to India and Nepal for four months. After her return she worked as
a teacher at the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Jablonec nad Nisou,
where she taught history of fine arts and art subjects. Afterwards she started
to teach also at the local Higher Technical School, where she specializes
in coin and medal production. Her absolutely first produced coinage was
a medal commemorating the glass-making settlement of Kristiánov, it was
her graduation project at the Higher Technical School. Her first works for
the Prague Mint were the Luck medallion and a commemorative medal on
the centenary of the death of writer Zikmund Winter.
Petra Lamačová was born in Jablonec nad Nisou. She is interested in graphic
work and its techniques (she was on a study stay at the graphic studio of
the Academy of Fine Arts). She is also a passionate traveller and likes getting
to know new places, new people and foreign cultures. She has visited
a range of countries not only in Europe but also in Africa and Asia. Since
April 2013 she has been on a maternity leave but she still tries to devote
herself to numismatic work, in particular for the Prague Mint.
Have you got any clearly defined historical period which is your
source of inspiration?
It is difficult to point out to a single historical period which interests me and
inspires me. From the point of view of general art history, and not solely from
numismatic history, it is maybe the Renaissance, or possibly antiquity. As every
period has its great figures, I will mention names of artists. I like works by
Bernini and Caravaggio in the Baroque, as well as works by the sculptor August
Rodin, a contemporary of realists and impressionists.
Which professors influenced you most in your field?
Regarding my work on medals I was influenced by several people. To name just
a few, I can mention Mr Jiří Dostál and Mr Koňák at the Secondary School of
Applied Arts and the Higher Technical School in Jablonec nad Nisou. At the
Academy of Fine Arts in Prague I was influenced by professor Jan Hendrych
with Doc. Milada Othová. And I must not forget professor Jiří Harcuba, to
whom I owe a lot. He was an opponent of my thesis at the Academy. I had the
honour to have consultations with him. He gave me much of his philosophy on
medals and also on life.
Will you tell us which coinage pleased you most?
I was most pleased with a medal commemorating the first woman in space,
that is, Valentina Tereshkova. The title is a part of the Event Calendar programme
Valentina Těreškovová - 50. výročí první žena ve vesmíru Ag patina 2 490,00 Kč
Stříbrný medailon k narození dítěte s peřinkou 2019 - 28 mm 1 785,00 Kč
Memento 25. února 1948 - komunistický puč v Československu - 1/2 Oz zlato Proof 35 880,00 Kč
Memento 25. února 1948 - komunistický puč v Československu - 1 Oz zlato b.k. 94 140,00 Kč
Memento 25. února 1948 - komunistický puč v Československu - 1 Oz Měď b.k. 499,00 Kč
Memento 25. února 1948 - komunistický puč v Československu - 28 mm stříbro Proof 1 799,00 Kč
Memento 25. února 1948 - komunistický puč v Československu - 1 Oz stříbro Proof 4 788,00 Kč
Medaile štěstí Au 11 940,00 Kč
Medaile štěstí Ag 1 785,00 Kč
Albert Einstein - 135. výročí narození stříbro patina 2 148,00 Kč
2014 - Dukát k narození dítěte - Miminko v peřince 11 940,00 Kč