
Vojta Dostál

Vojtěch Dostál, DiS.

(2. 4. 1980)

Vojtěch Dostál is a son and at the same time a successor of the excellent Czech artist and teacher Jiří Dostál. After graduation at the Higher Technical School (VOŠ) in Jablonec nad Nisou in 2000, he was employed for three years in one Czech jewel making company. Three years later he started working as a teacher at the Secondary School of Applied Arts in Jablonec and he has been working there since. His successes include seven wins in competitions announced by the Czech National Bank and a range of works produced for other customers. He participates in the making of a cycle of commemorative medals called the Event Calendar for the Prague Mint: his designs served as the basis for the minting of titles Jan Amos Komenský, Otto von Habsburg, Emil Kolben, Jan Janský and Giovanni Boccacio. At present he is preparing a model for the planned mintage of a medal commemorating the student Jan Opletal, who died during anti-Nazi protests in Prague in 1939.

Vojtěch Dostál is also musically talented. As a bass guitarist he plays in the groups “Nůž” and “Bay-Bay”. Like his father he loves riding through the Czech countryside on the seat of a powerful motorcycle. He is an admirer and collector of mechanical watches and carved gems. He lives and works in Jablonec nad Nisou.


Have you got a favourite historical period which is your source of inspiration?
From the point of view of medal designing I do not have a single favourite period in the art history. We can find beautiful medals or coins in every period. However, I really like going to Italy where I do sightseeing of the Italian Renaissance and I would like to mention the beautiful medals by Pisanello dating from this period.

Who helped you to develop your talent for the bas-relief?
My work was influenced by teachers at the Higher Technical School in Jablonec nad Nisou and also professor Jiří Harcuba, although he did not teach me directly. The reliefs of Giacomo Manzu will never stop fascinating me.

Which produced coin or medal made you most happy?
Actually every one of them, but winning the competition of the Czech National Bank in 2006 was an exciting experience for me. It was a coin commemorating the anniversary of František Josef Gerstner. Concerning my work for the Prague Mint I have a special relationship to a medal commemorating the anniversary of Giovanni Boccaccio.

The work of a medal designer takes a lot of time. How do you relax in your free time?
My hobbies include riding on a motorbike, I have bought a dual-sport Enduro BMW 1150 GS, and I also play the bass guitar in two groups. I am also very interested in mechanical watches which I collect.

Another artworks prepared by Vojtěch Dostál

PRAŽSKÁ MINCOVNA . PRAŽSKÁ MINCOVŇA . PRAGUE MINT . PRAG MÜNZE . CASA DE MONEDA . MONNAIE DE PRAGUE . ZECCA DI PRAGA . CASA DA MOEDA PRAGA . MENNICA PRAGA . PRASKA KOVNICA . NANE PRAG . Пражский монетный двор . Монетный двор Праге . ковница Праг . MYNTE PRAG . MUNT PRAAG . PUDINA PRAGUE . RAHAPAJA PRAHA . Mėtų Praha . Mant Prag . Monetărie Praga . Menta Prága . Nenexhik Pragë . Piparmünt Praha . Bạc Hà Praha . μέντα Πράγα . מטבעות מכון פראג . 造币钱 . सिक्का प्राग . ミント プラハ . 박하 프라하 . پراگ . نعناع . โรงกระษาปณ์ ปราก .  پودینہپراگ . პრაღაში ზარაფხანა .


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