High quality, traditional
precious metals products.
Preparation of a composition of obverse and reverse side.
In cooperation with customer, we prepare alternative drafts of two sides of coin or medal. Approved drafts are realized.
![DRAWING senátorské medaile.]()
Example of draft
If valid coin with a nominal value is formed instead of medal, the compositions must contain also some mandatory elements from participating emission authority. Designers’ draft must be also approved by the authority. Beside the nominal value, name of a currency and country, it is usually a national emblem, respectively, a portrait of the Queen.
Realization of coins is extended by time needed for approval of the draft, possibly the time for realization of required corrections.
The Czech National Bank does not allow a coin emission with customer’s motives. But these coins can be realized with a permission of many other countries. A nominal value of these coins is usually expressed in dollars or francs.
Preparation of a composition of obverse and reverse side.
In cooperation with customer, we prepare alternative drafts of two sides of coin or medal. Approved drafts are realized.

Example of draft
If valid coin with a nominal value is formed instead of medal, the compositions must contain also some mandatory elements from participating emission authority. Designers’ draft must be also approved by the authority. Beside the nominal value, name of a currency and country, it is usually a national emblem, respectively, a portrait of the Queen.
Realization of coins is extended by time needed for approval of the draft, possibly the time for realization of required corrections.
The Czech National Bank does not allow a coin emission with customer’s motives. But these coins can be realized with a permission of many other countries. A nominal value of these coins is usually expressed in dollars or francs.