

High quality, traditional
precious metals products.

Prague Mint
Material Preparation (Preparing blanks for minting.) - Custom minting
Preparation of semi-finished products for minting.

The quality of semi-finished products for mintage of pure gold and silver is crucial for the quality of minted coins. Not only the fineness of the precious metal and weight, but also exact profile must be determined for each blank.

Automatic blank preparation in the Austrian Mint
Automatic blank preparation in the Austrian Mint

The edge must be formed in a way, that there is a perfect smooth frame free of burrs, when the coin is minted. For mintage with polished dies, the coin surface of each blank must be also polished.

Example of polished blank
Example of polished blank

Gold and silver blanks are supplied by the Austrian Mint in Vienna.
PRAŽSKÁ MINCOVNA . PRAŽSKÁ MINCOVŇA . PRAGUE MINT . PRAG MÜNZE . CASA DE MONEDA . MONNAIE DE PRAGUE . ZECCA DI PRAGA . CASA DA MOEDA PRAGA . MENNICA PRAGA . PRASKA KOVNICA . NANE PRAG . Пражский монетный двор . Монетный двор Праге . ковница Праг . MYNTE PRAG . MUNT PRAAG . PUDINA PRAGUE . RAHAPAJA PRAHA . Mėtų Praha . Mant Prag . Monetărie Praga . Menta Prága . Nenexhik Pragë . Piparmünt Praha . Bạc Hà Praha . μέντα Πράγα . מטבעות מכון פראג . 造币钱 . सिक्का प्राग . ミント プラハ . 박하 프라하 . پراگ . نعناع . โรงกระษาปณ์ ปราก .  پودینہپراگ . პრაღაში ზარაფხანა .


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